The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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½a Φac, τaτo ╥a Φapo╨ █µo ╫c╓ea For us, a nation which has
╨a ╧o o╪opß╙ cΘojoµ ╒╙µepaµ╫peΦ succeeded in formulating its
ja╥╙τ ╨╫p╙ Θo ╓oc╒e╨Φ╙Θe literary language in the course
╨e┘eΦ╙╙, öe ╬╙╨e ßΦo╧╫ ╓o╫┌Φo ╨a of the last few decades, it
╥Φaeße τaτΘ╙ ╬╙╒e o╓█µo would be very instructive to
ocΦoΘΦ╙µe τapaτµep╙cµ╙τ╙ Φa know the nature of the
pa╥Θojoµ Φa ╒╙µepaµ╫pΦ╙µe ja╥╙┘╙ fundamental characteristics of
Θo c╒oΘeΦcτ╙oµ cΘeµ. the development of literary
languages in the Slavic world.
To je ╬╙o a╪p╙┌τ╙ c╒oΦ, jo█ The elephant came from Africa.
Φe╨opacµao, ß╒a╨ ╙ ╬╫jaΦ; ╬╙╒e Young, snappy, and not yet fully
c╫ ß╫ µeτ ╨Θe ╧o╨╙Φe. »pe c╒oΦa grown, he was but two years old.
cµ╙╧╒a je ╫ TpaΘΦ╙τ ╓p╙┌a o These details, as well as other
■eß╫. information, had preceded the
elephant into Travnik.
IVO ANDRIC, The Vizier's Elephant.
Suton je, Filip sedi i slu≤a Thus Philip sat in the twilight
rodu na susjednom dimnjaku kako and listened to a stork clapping
klepeδe kljunom kao kastanjetom, its beak like a castanet on a
kako jasno odjekuju pastirski neighboring chimney, to the
glasovi s potoka gdje se napaja shepherds' voices echoing from
blago, kako lastavice the stream where they watered
pro⌡drljivo kru⌡e oko dimnjaka their beasts, to the swallows
kao grabljivci, i osjeδa u sebi greedily circling around the
prelijevanje tih ⌡ivotnih chimney like birds of prey, and
odraza, ⌡ivo i zanosno. vividly and rapturously he felt
flowing into him those
multidinous expression of life.
Mra⌠ilo se je, s polja so se Night was falling; villages and
vra⌠ali kmetje in posli. Takrat farmhands were coming home from
se je prikazal petelin na the fields. On Sitar's roof the
Sitarjevi strehi, rde⌠ in tenak red cock suddenly appeared. A
je ≤vignil visoko proti nebu. tongue-shaped flame shot up
Nato se je prikazal petelin na skywards; then another was seen
skednju, na hlevu, na ≤upi, na on the stables, and yet another
obeh kozolcih; velik je bil on the barn - and then on both
plamen, segal je silen od zemlje sheds.
do nebes.
-IVAN CANKAR, The Bailiff Yerney and His Rights.
Maletë me gurë Mountains and stones,
fusha me bar shumë, Lush meadows unshorn,
aratë me grurë, A river beyond,
më tutje një lumë. Fields full of corn.
Fshati përkarshi Out yonder, the village,
me kish'e me varre, Its church and its graves,
rotul ca shtëpi cottages here and there,
të vogëla fare. low under their eaves.
Ujët të ftoftë, Chill water springs
era pun e madhe, A keen wind blows.
bilbili ia thotë The nightingale sings.
gratë si sorkadhe. And the women... they're like dows!
Burrat nën hie Idlers in the shade,
lozën, kuvëndojnë;- Kept by their wives;
pika që s'u bie A plague on them all
se nga gratë rrojnë! For wasting their lives!